Friday, April 30, 2010
LIBOR Chart (04/30/2010)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
S&P500 Technical Analysis (04/28/2010)

S&P500 violated the uptrend channel on Tuesday April 26th, big institutions managed to squeeze the shorts and pushed the S&P500 back to the channel. I don't know if channel is going to hold this time or not? today action was a classic short squeeze. Indicators sending mix signals at this point I'm not sure whether rally has any legs or not? We have to wait to see what is going to play out with in next 3 trading days.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Goldman Sachs' Time-Wasting Strategy!
Delay, Delay ! when you screw up, you could not have any other strategy beside killing time.
Lloyd Blankfein did his best to kill the time. surprise, surprise!
TheNewYorkTimes interview with Lloyd Blankfein:
The New York Times interview with Golman CEO was before publication fraud charges. I want to get your attention toward the difference in attitude.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Attention S&P500 broke the channel
Monday, April 26, 2010
S&P500 Technical Analysis (04/26/2010)

Saturday, April 24, 2010
LIBOR Chart (04/23/2010)

Friday, April 23, 2010
Goldman Sachs technical analysis

$174 is do or die for Goldman, I have a hard time to imagine GS could recover the damage anytime soon. It could cause them to break down to smaller entities.

Prime foreclosure and +90day delinquency maps:
Prime +90day delinquency map:
I went in detail over foreclouser and delinquency in my April 8th article click here . Please note that darker red indicates the situation worsened compare with last year.
Related topics:
Option ARM Tsunami Is On The Way
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Greece 10-Year Bond Chart (04/20/2010)

Current Value: 7.88
Greece 10 year government bond broke out the 7.40 resistance , it is going to shoot up to 9 soon. They have no other options beside grabbing their bowl and beg IMF to bail them out. I don't see any possibility of Greece defaulting on its debt.

This is what happens to a country whose government is gullible enough to consult with Goldman Sachs and expect a fox to guard the hen house. Greek government used derivatives to manipulate their debt to GDP for over a decade and now they are facing crisis. They should of think a head before counting on Goldman Sachs advises. It is fascinating to me that they did not learn their listen and continue their cosy relation with Goldman, note that Goldman Sachs is the principal financial adviser on debt issuance for Greece.
S&P500 Technical Analysis (04/19/2010)

Monday, April 19, 2010
Paul Krugman on financial reform
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Goldman fraud charges in simple words.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Goldman Sachs The Biggest Crooks in the World
Friday, April 16, 2010
LIBOR Chart (04/16/2010)

I post the LIBOR every fridays.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Shanghai Composite Index Technical Analysis (04/15/2010)

S&P500 Technical Analysis (04/15/2010)

I got many emails from my readers who asked if this is a good time to go short. I'm on the side line at this point. It's too risky to go short, I would wait to see the conformation before press the Buy/Sell button. I would wait to see if bulls could hold the S&P500 above 1206 level or not, before I jump in any conclusion. Today and tomorrow will be very volatile, be careful. Today action was a good example of early short who got crushed and had to cover their short positions.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
S&P500 Technical Analysis (04/14/2010)

Pay attention to 1225-1230, it should act as major resistance. Drop below 1170 would be the sell signal.
Joseph Stiglitz On Financial Crisis At The INET Conference
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Unemployed 27 weeks and Over is 44% of total unemployed.

If you go back to 80's data you will see only 27% of total unemployed were out of job for 27 weeks and Over, but table above shows a staggering number. Unemployed who are out of job for 27 weeks and Over is 44.1% of total unemployed. Since 1948 this is a highest data, a record of 6.31 million workers who have been unemployed for more than 27 weeks. Being out of job for a long time make it hard for them to get hire again.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Greece 10-Year Bond Chart (04/12/2010)

Greece 10-Year Bond Technical Analysis Chart:

Do not pay attention to Greece crisis. Greece economy is so small that it does not mean a thing to the world economy. Probobly IMF end up bailing them out. Greece crisis a regional problem not a global issue, but Wall Street could use it as an excuse to move the market. You need to become nervous if Spain losses +AA credit ratting to AA and eventually become +BB.
Here some economics facts about Greece:
GDP: $341 billion (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 34
$347.9 billion (2008 est.)
$338 billion (2007 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate):
$342.2 billion (2009 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:
-2% (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 143
2% (2008 est.)
4% (2007 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP): $32,100 (2009 est.)
country comparison to the world: 43
$32,400 (2008 est.)
$31,600 (2007 est.)
note: data are in 2009 US dollars
Friday, April 9, 2010
LIBOR Chart (04/09/2010)


Current Value:0.22
I got many requests for LIBOR chart, I will post them every fridays.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Distressed Home Sales, Mortgage Delinquencies and ARMs Maps:
Source:First American Corelogic
I'd like to get your Attention to increasing in number of home short sells. It is obvious if this trend continues what effects could have on prices in near future. I was a critique of $8000 tax rebate and called it waist of money, figure above is the prove, that I was right to call it "useless". Please note that $8000 tax rebate could not do much to help the housing market the increase in short-selling is the prove of that. If we had the real recovery in housing market we should not witness increasing the short-selling. To me is laughable when analysts say "housing market hit the bottom". We need to face the reality; there is a direct relation between household income, unemployment and home value. It is insane to think by giving away $8000 to home buyers we could slow down the foreclosure rate. Baling out the insolvent institutions and forcing FASB to relax the mark-to-market accounting rules have helped the Wall Street, but it won't stop the foreclosures. They just kicked the can down the road. Their home loan modification was a big joke, There were 168,708 delinquent loans permanently modified under HAMP(Home Affordable Modification Program) as of the end of February, according to a Treasury Department report March 12Th. Problem is the percent decrease in mortgage rates were not big enough to stop the home owners from re-defaulting. The re-default rate of loans modified in the Q1 of 2009 was over 51.5% by the end of the same year. Some sources reported much higher numbers a total of +71% re-default rates.
The reason banks don't want to modify loans would be very simple, anytime a banker modifies a loan he has to report it as loss, but if banker leave it as it is, he doesn't need to report it as loss, thanks to change in "Mark-to-market" accounting rules. Therefore they are not going to actively participate in loan modifications. Government addressed the symptoms, but what about the causes? When are we going to do something real for home owners? I start to wander if Congressman Barney Frank and his bodies in the Financial Services Committee have ever passed the Econ-101!
Table above shows contributions to Congressman Barney Frank the head of Financial Services Committee received back in 2007-2008 at the same time the U.S. economy was teetering on the edge of collapse. I think if taxpayers could lobby congress and spend as much as financial industry does, they might do something for us too.
Mortgage %90+Days Delinquent Map:Source:The Federal Reserve Bank
Technically When a house is +90days delinquent, it is consider as future foreclosure.
Prime ARMs Map:
Source:The Federal Reserve Bank
Prime ARMs Resetting in Next 12 Months Map:
Source:The Federal Reserve Bank
When these mortgages reset there will be many home owner who have to walk away from their homes and more foreclosured houses will hit the already weaken housing market. Please note these are homeowners with good credit who speculate on housing market and bite off more than they could chew. When the 1-2% teaser rates reset to a much higher rates, it makes more sense to walk away instead of negotiating with lenders to modify the loan. Because decreasing the prices prevent them from refinance their loans therefore they have no other options besides short selling or foreclosed their homes.
As I mentioned in my previous articles I expect Option ARM Tsunami to hit the U.S. housing market by mid 2010 and 2011. The eye of the storm should arrive by August 2011. As a contrarian analyst I believe it will be the fundamental reason for the double dip recession. I'm not bullish but charts are opposing my fundamental analysis. Technical analysis always have the upper hand in short and intermediate terms, but fundamentals always have the last word. Technicals look bullish and point for continuation of this rally. We should wait and see when big institutions are going to press the sell buttons. Meanwhile enjoy the bull ride.
Related Topics:
Option ARM Tsunami Is On The Way
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The head of IMF,the world economy was not "out of the woods"
To read the complete article click hereYahoo News
This rally has the characteristics of bull markets. Since April 2009 market staid over bought and except 2-3 days indicators never shown oversold condition. We experienced a huge bounce of extremely oversold market, but after +76% rally I have a hard time to find anything cheap. Companies have to come with door bust earning to justify these gains, they fired employees and closed facilities and now is time to see real top line growth. They must show decent revenue growth. Q1 will be a good indicator for many analysts including me to see if this rally has some leg or it was just a humongous bear market rally? We shall find out soon.
Recently I have noticed most of rallies has happened over night in Futures market and S&P500 usually gaps higher and not much happening during the day. To me it is nothing more than market manipulation with big institutions who got cheap money from "Mr.Bernanke & Co.". Due to high leverage in Futures market it is not hard to move a futures market. All is needed is 50-53 billion dollars. As a contrarian analyst, I’m suspicious a small number of institutions are involved and when market start to roll over there won't be many buyers.
Stock market is a different animal than real economy. The big institutions run the show, compare with real economy that every one of us play a roll in it. Speculation and greed cause the market to move. Market could roll over before the real economy shows the first symptoms of weakness or as we seen in 2007 it could continue to move higher despite weakness in real economy, but in the long run we have to come back to the basics. Fundamentals always have the last word as we seen in 2007 despite many analysts call for Dow Jones 15000 and S&P 1700 we entered into the second biggest bear market ever. S&P should of rolled over in August of 2007 when it broke 1495 levels, but big institutions could manipulate the market for a couple months despite the first warning signs of weakness in housing market stated with decrease in residential permits in 2006 and it followed in 2007 by huge jump in loan charge-offs, under performing the home-builders or increasing foreclosures, they ignored them all, but in the it came back to bite them. They succeed to manipulate the market and sent the S&P500 higher, but in the end the had to face the reality.
Loan Charge-Offs:
"Source Philly fed"
Many companies became history and many others like City group, Goldman Sachs, BOA or AIG who should be long gone, with the generous helps of Bernanke and Henry Paulson and his successor Timothy Geithner could continue to live by sucking the taxpayer’s blood. It would be interesting to watch what are they going to do when the Option ARM tsunami hit them by 2nd half of 2010 and second and third quarter of 2011?
Question is what is next? What tricks Bernanke could pull out of his hat? or in a better word is there and tricks left?
Related Topics:
Option ARM Tsunami Is On The Way